Today, we all live in the extremely difficult conditions of military everyday life, when Ukrainians daily choose their freedom and independence in the fight against the Russian invaders, defending Ukraine in the ranks of the Armed Forces, working inspired and hard for our Victory in the rear, preserving all the critically important potential of our society, necessary for defense needs and post-war reconstruction of the Motherland. Considering the complex challenges for our state, the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine makes great efforts to hold our scientific front with dignity, providing for the needs and defending the interests of academic youth, promoting their effective activities and public visibility. In order to support talented young scientists in 2023, we launched and implemented the annual competition “The best young scientist of the Academy”.
During August – October 2023, the responsible commission received applicant questionnaires. The review of the scientific results of the contestants took place in accordance with 13 specified nominations: 1) “Information sciences and mathematics”; 2) “Physics and astronomy”; 3) “Technical sciences”; 4) “Earth Sciences and Sustainable Development”; 5) “Materials Science”; 6) “Nanotechnologies”; 7) “Energy”; 8) “Chemistry”; 9) “Biology”; 10) “Biotechnology”; 11) “Economics, management and sociology”; 12) “History, philosophy and law”; 13) “Literary studies, linguistics, folk studies and art studies”. For an unbiased and objective assessment of the achievements of young scientists over the past three years (2021-2023), a group of experts worked according to specially developed criteria.
It should be noted that all the participants of the competition worked fruitfully, publishing individual monographs, chapters in collective works, articles in specialized publications and magazines entered into international scientometric databases, registering patents, participating in various scientific research projects, testing the obtained results at international and all-Ukrainian conferences, round tables, symposia. The evaluation results show that every young scientist of the Academy performed his research work well and is worthy of recognition. Therefore, the competition commission and a group of experts had to carefully select the highest rated applicants in the above nominations.
The winners of the competition “The best young scientist of the Academy” in 2023 were:
- Junior researcher at the Institute of Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Fyodor Volodymyrovych Hladkykh.
- Senior researcher at the Institute of Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, senior researcher Demchenko Valery Leonidovych.
- Senior researcher of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Darya Viktorivna Dobrycheva.
- Leading researcher of the Institute of Physics and Mechanics named after G.V. Karpenka of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, senior researcher Iryna Yaroslavivna Dolinska.
- Senior researcher of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of historical sciences, senior researcher Natalia Valeryivna Zaletok.
- Deputy director of the Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, senior researcher Zaporozhets Artur Oleksandrovych.
- Head of the Department of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, senior researcher Yevgen Oleksandrovych Zaitsev.
- Leading researcher of the National Natural Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of biological sciences, senior researcher Olexandr Mykolayovych Kovalchuk.
- Senior researcher of the Institute of Space Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and DKA of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Mykola Serhiyovych Lavrenyuk.
- Senior researcher of the State University “Institute of Regional Studies named after E. Dolishnyi National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Doctor of Economic Sciences, senior researcher Mulska Olga Petrivna.
- Scientist of the Physical and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures named after B.I. Verkina of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Yan Vladyslavovich Rybalko.
- Senior researcher of the Institute of Literature named after T.G. Shevchenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of philological sciences Ruslan Fedorovych Tkachuk.
- Leading researcher of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vasyl Olegovich Kharchenko.
- Leading researcher of the Institute of Physical Chemistry named after L.V. Pysarzhevsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of chemical sciences, senior researcher Shcherban Natalia Dmitrivna.
- Head of the Department of the Institute of Electric Welding named after E.O. Paton of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor Yurzhenko Maksym Volodymyr.
We sincerely congratulate the winners of the competition and are proud of them!
We wish all young scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine inspiration, further scientific success, do not stop at what you have achieved, and submit your applications next year as well! May the best win!
The winners will be awarded in the second half of December 2023. Follow the news on Facebook and on the website of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: