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Composition of the Council of Young Scientists

Валерія Ковач
Head of the Council:

Valeriia KOVACH

Doctor of Science in Public Administration,
Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), senior researcher
NAS of Ukraine profile valeriiakovach@gmail.com
Володимир Артемчук
First deputy head of the Council:


Doctor of Technical Sciences,
senior research fellow
NAS of Ukraine profile ak24avo@gmail.com
Олександр ВОЛКОВ
Deputy Head of the Council:

Oleksandr VOLKOV

Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.),
senior researcher
NAS of Ukraine profile alexvolk@ukr.net
Сергій Солопан
Deputy Head of the Council:


Doctor of Chemical Sciences,
senior researcher
NAS of Ukraine profile alexvolk@ukr.net
Веста Малолітнева
Deputy Head of the Council :

Vesta Malolitneva

Doctor of Legal Science,
academic secretary
NAS of Ukraine profile vestamalolitneva@gmail.com
Степан Кирилюк
Secretary of the Council:

Stepan Kyryliuk

Junior research fellow
NAS of Ukraine profile KyryliukStepan@gmail.com
Олена Атласюк
Member of the Council:

Olena Atlasiuk

Doctor of philosophy,
NAS of Ukraine profile hatlasiuk@gmail.com
Кирило Савченко
Member of the Council:


Candidate of Engineering Sciences (PhD),
senior researcher
NAS of Ukraine profile savchenko@ipp.kiev.ua
Олександр Дубіковський
Member of the Council:


Phd in Physics,
NAS of Ukraine profile dubikovsky_o@ukr.net
Кирило Стародубець
Member of the Council:


Candidate of Geological Sciences,
senior research fellow
NAS of Ukraine profile starodubets.kirill@ukr.net
Оксана Маньковська
Member of the Council:


Candidate of Science (equivalent to Ph.D. degree) in Molecular Biology,
junior research fellow
NAS of Ukraine profile mankovsska@gmail.com
Дарина Соколова
Member of the Council:


Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.),
senior researcrhe fellow
NAS of Ukraine profile dasokolova88@gmail.com
Дмитро Ніколайчук
Member of the Council:

Nikolaichyk Dmytrii

Candidate of historical sciences, researcher,
scientific secretary of the Department of History of Ukraine in the 19th – early 20th centuries Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
NAS of Ukraine profile nikolaychuk800@gmail.com
Олександр Головко
Member of the Council:

Oleksandr HOLOVKO

NAS of Ukraine profile holovko90@gmail.com
Олексій Семко
Member of the Council:

Oleksiy SEMKO

Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), <br>member of the Councilsenior researcrhe fellow

NAS of Ukraine profile semalek@meta.ua
Олександр Дуброва
Associate member of Council:

Oleksandr DUBROVA

Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.),
senior research fellow
NAS of Ukraine profile Dubrova@nas.gov.ua
Олександр Малишев
Associate member of Council:

Oleksandr MALYSHEV

Candidate of Legal Science,
senior research fellow
NAS of Ukraine profile Ol.Ol.Malyshev@nas.gov.ua
Сергій Шваб
Associate member of Council:


Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.),
senior research fellow
NAS of Ukraine profile serg.schwab@gmail.com